Applying Coyote Cologne

photo taken November 6, 2007 • title thanks to Diana

And tied for second place…. Mud roll please…. (thanks Skimmie – brilliant!):
Was that the dinner bell?
Today I shall be a bunny
Could you bring me a pillow?
Charlie’s attempt at busting into the world of synchronized swimming backfires when he fails to get together a team…or to find a swimming pool.
“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”  (I do remember the commercial!)
Is that bacon I smell?
Cinnamon Twist
The ever-elusive Wyoming Land Otter
Because that’s the way I roll… / That’s How I Roll
Marsh Mellow
It’s a bird!  It’s a plane!  Nope, just Eli.
Who took my pillow? Damn that roadrunner!
“…you put your right foot in..”
Warm Fuzzies
“Your comments make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts.” (this was my Grandma’s contribution!)
Ananda Balasana: Happy Baby Pose
“Dirt Nap.”
“Its ten minutes till 3:00! Here let me demonstrate with my ears, see looks like this.”


• • •It’s Monday! It’s another contest!
It’s another wretched-weather-day here so I will be happily entertained watching your brilliant titles, captions, and thought-bubbles roll in!

Today’s winner (posted tomorrow) will get two gorgeous stone arrowheads and one obsidian spearhead, hand-knapped by the ever-so-dynamic MC, aka Mike, aka Charlie’s other human-friend, aka… well, read the book to find out more.

Ready, Set, On Your Mark Yee Haw!

328 Responses to “Applying Coyote Cologne”

  1. Victoria Yang Says:

    who disturbs naptime?

  2. Jett Says:

    *channels Young Frankenstein*

    Rrrrroll, Rrrroll in zee hay!

  3. Ashley Says:

    The Reclining Nude.

  4. Jon Boy Says:

    Aw Mom, do I have to come in now? Can’t I stay and roll in the stinky stuff a little longer?

  5. renee Says:

    coyote call?

  6. DrLoco Says:

    Reflection…looking back

  7. Glenys Says:

    I have to admit…I like this one the best (even over my own submission…)

    Ashley Says:

    March 30th, 2009 at 9:46 pm
    2 Samuel, 23:4

    (The passage reads: “And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain.”)

  8. Deanna Says:


  9. FK Says:

    Heaven Sent and Heavenly Scent

  10. Luis Says:

    Where I lay my head is home
    …and the earth becomes my throne..


  11. Liz Says:

    “Got no deeds to do no promises to keep. I’m dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep, let the morningtime drop all its petals on me – life I love you, all is groovy.”
    -Simon & Garfunkel

  12. Alyson Miller Says:

    Sunny Side Up

  13. Paladin Says:

    Sunnin & Scratchin

  14. Wendy Says:

    This better be important!

  15. Kim Darnell Says:

    No worries…

  16. J. Bo Says:

    Good morning, sunshine…

  17. Lynn Says:

    Roll, roll…..sniff, sniff…….no, I still smell like that red stuff she washed me in!

  18. Eugenia Says:

    Sorry if this is a repeat:

    “Somebody’s got a case of the Mondays!”

  19. karen Says:

    Heaven on Earth!

  20. ash Says:

    Roll over beethoven and dig these rhythm and blues!
    -Chuck Berry

  21. PKC Says:

    I must be turning into a crank. The first thing I thought when I saw the photo was

    “HEY……….. YOU……….. OFF MY LAWN”

  22. Judy Maben Says:

    Ihave the regular Swedish massage, please.

  23. Claudia Says:

    Hey a Coyote is trying to get a nap in over here…sigh.

  24. Skimmie Says:

    1) Invisible wrestling pin down.

    2) Arghhh! My leg fell asleep!

    3) Master of Foreshortening.

    4) The Good Earth.

    5) Earth squirms.

  25. Doug Says:

    “Applying Coyote Cologne” is a GREAT caption. Congratulations.

  26. PC Says:

    I love that 10 to 3 comment, love his ears so cute!!!!

  27. Carol E Says:


    My dog was a big one for the rol de cologne — especially dead seals on the beach, cuz with the seal’s oil glands, it’s real real hard to get out. Boy she felt her status rise though.

  28. Buy Viagra 9 L Says:

    Hack again?!

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