Summer Color

photo taken July 2012

one year ago: Headed South
two years ago: Charlie In His Raincoat
three years ago: Downward Dogs
four years ago: He Helps With The Chores

5 Responses to “Summer Color”

  1. Catsquatch Says:

    I love the way the light hits his eye in this pic, goldenrod hue.

  2. catherine Says:

    Re skunks in the house :I had a skunk family leaving in the crawling space….It was a rodeo….I got them out,I was told to move out for a while, to replace the flooring…. I disinfected the place,over and over, the smell of burned rubber lingered for a while, more candles more organic disinfectants…. It’s in my nose…I breath lavender like ladies did with their smelling salts in the past….I like those guys though…especially the babies…Good luck !

  3. mlaiuppa Says:

    How to take care of a skunk.

    Mix some soapy water using lukewarm water and DAWN (grease fighting) detergent.

    Add peroxide and baking soda.


    Works great. But it can’t be bottled and sold because it must be used immediately because of the chemical reaction of the peroxide and baking soda. It neutralizes the smell and the DAWN helps to scrub away the oily residue.

    Good luck.

  4. wright1 Says:

    Looks like one of his puppy / yearling shots: the short fur and enormous ears. Love his expression and posture too: a kind of relaxed curiosity about whatever he’s looking at / scenting.

    So sorry about the skunk incident. Hope everyone involved (skunk included) went their separate ways unharmed… well, physically, anyway. I would also like to think that’s a lesson Charlie would only have to learn once.

  5. Allen A. Bond Says:

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