one year ago:
A Boy And His Tumbleweed
two years ago:
Sun Dumpling
three years ago:
Chillin’ In The Cow Camp Cabin
four years ago:
Treasure Hunt
five years ago:
Her Favorite Move
six years ago:
Field Of Dreams
seven years ago:
Five Weeks -from the archives-
Call Of The Wild
December 3rd, 2014 at 8:37 am
Coyotes howling, roosters crowing…. Your mornings are quite different than mine.
Mine go like this – Get feet licked by border collie, get chest walked on by two of our four cats, sometimes get fingers bitten by a persistent Norwegian Forest Cat. Get up out of bed around 5:00AM.
Let dog out, make coffee, feed cats. Let dog in, make breakfast etc.
I’d love to hear your routine for the AM.
December 3rd, 2014 at 11:46 am
Something about this picture really got me this morning. I’m so full of stress over finishing up the semester and my husband’s impending surgery, but this is serving as a reminder that it’s ok to just live peacefully in the moment.
September 30th, 2021 at 3:47 pm
I saw this come up this morning…felt SO lost and lonely; I miss Charlie so much. My small bit of heartache is nothing in comparison to what you have had.
Much love to you, Mike and the farmily ❤