Shooting Into The Sun

photo taken October 2015

one year ago: Apparition
two years ago: Nippers
three years ago: The Softest
four years ago: Below The Belt
five years ago: Solopuss
six years ago: Rub! Mah! Belly!
seven years ago: Notes On Charlie ~ July 16
eight years ago: Feathergrass

7 Responses to “Shooting Into The Sun”

  1. Karen Says:

    Absolutely beautiful!! Makes me smile!

  2. mj Says:

    Beautiful golden boy! Almost looks like an illusion. Interesting that last year’s picture was “Apparition”.

  3. Sarah Says:

    I hope this makes it onto a calendar some way some day

  4. wright1 Says:

    Gorgeous, as your images usually are. The translucent bands of color, his light-limmed profile, the texture of his fur showing faintly through the glow, his intent but relaxed expression… all wonderful.

  5. Vee Says:


  6. taffy Says:

    oh my word this is a glorious!!

  7. Carol K Says:


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