Notes On Charlie – May 14

The dominance thing is very established – it happened very naturally, probably because Charlie joined me while so young. When I come in the door, Charlie rolls onto his back with his tiny tail wagging and reaches up to lick my face.

Charlie’s dying to befriend the cat, and the cat is very conflicted about the whole thing. He catches the scent of the coyote and knows it’s a predator, and whines, but when Charlie runs up to Eli with his tail wagging, Eli just looks at him like, what are you doing in my house, taking attention away from me. I hate you. Charlie’s determined to play but if he persists too long the cat gives him a swat and Charlie whimpers away, and sits nearby like he’s waiting for approval. Which he rarely gets. When the cat is half asleep he lets Charlie crawl on him, and Charlie even tried to nurse on the cat once. It’s a relationship in progress.