Notes On Charlie ~ July 5

I’m supporting a CSA (community supported agriculture) that a couple is doing in the next town over and when I picked up my box on Tuesday night, there was a bag of plump sweet peas among the goodies.

Yesterday, I thought they would make the perfect snack while Charlie and I were sitting in the shade.  I sat on the ground and as I took a bite of the first pea pod, Charlie sat down in front of me, ears perked, head tilted, patient but expectant.

Whenever I eat in front of him, he wants a taste of whatever it is.  Some things he loves (cheese, popsicles), other things he just drops on the floor (potato chips).  But he always wants a sample.

So I gave him half a sweet pea and he chomped it in delight and, with his eyes, asked for another.  And so we split each pea pod ~ I’d eat half and then feed the other half to him.

We munched through half the bag and got full at the same time.  He absolutely loved them, which I find particularly adorable because my nickname for him has always been

22 Responses to “Notes On Charlie ~ July 5”

  1. Claudia Says:

    That is simply ADORABLE.

  2. Judy Ziegenhorn Says:

    I love looking a Charlie’s pictures every day. You are a very good at taking pictures of
    him. And love the name Sweetpea. He is soooo neat. What an animal and story!

  3. Riosmom Says:

    What! No picture of Charlie eating his peas? Just kidding – I know you wouldn’t want to spoil a minute like that by getting up to get the camera. Someone needs to invent a camera that can be imbedded in our forehead so we can capture those special moments. Loved the story. Gracie, too, loves to try whatever I am eating and has developed some strange tastes – radishes, pickles, cucumbers.

  4. Donna Says:

    I am not completely surprised that Charlie would like peas. Our 3 cats love to have baby food peas for a treat, though I’m fairly certain they would not eat the peas raw right out of the pod.

  5. Cristy Says:

    A coyote who loves sweet peas. I’ve heard of other carnivores liking green vegetables, but this is a first. Simply awesome

  6. Evan Says:

    darn cute story!

  7. marg Says:

    So glad he eats his veggies, well your veggies but that’s getting technical.

  8. marg Says:

    How are Daisy and the new calf? Did you name her yet?

  9. Maggie Says:

    My little Winnie (the daschund/terrier mix who looks like a gremlin) LOVES peas. She begs for them when we’re shelling, I will email you a photo. SO cute!

  10. Anne Says:

    Shreve—–my dog and I share peas also, she goes crazy when she hears the pods open, I give her about 3 little peas at a time, she doesn’t want to share—–they love asparagus also!

  11. Barbara Says:

    Where was Chloe when all this was going on? Does she go off on her own sometimes, without feeling she’s missed something that Charlie’s getting?

  12. Catsquatch Says:

    Hope they dont do to him what they do to me….


  13. M.V. Says:

    I had a cat who liked chili. Couldn’t get enough of it as a kitten.

    When I was about 6 I used to feed brussel sprouts to our huskey. That is until Mom found out.

    Despite being officially carnivours, domestic cats and dogs diets are more along the omnivour line. Just check the labels on their food.

  14. Ida S Says:


  15. M.V. Says:

    P.S. to previous comment.
    Most wild animals, including carnivours will eat fruit and roots if their regular food is scarse. So a coyote eating peas isn’t all that odd.

  16. mlaiuppa Says:

    I can so picture that.

    My Ramses does the exact same thing. Only he takes his prize away with him to investigate if it is something new. If he likes it, he comes back for more. If’ he’s familiar with it, he’ll stay sitting or lying in front of me and consume immediately.

    Does Charlie take his prize from your hand or must you put it down in front of him? Ramses does not snap, but takes his treat gently from my hand. Often his lips don’t even touch my fingers. He sniffs first, then slowly takes it with his teeth.

    I always imagine Charlie doing something very similar. Sniff, then slowly take and pull, with his lips never touching your fingers. Ramses is a very cautious dog, even with me. I know Charlie is a wild coyote and will never lose that part of himself, even with acclimation and habit.

  17. Red Wolf Says:

    My Malamute loved peas and would steal them from the fridge given the chance. My Husky thought he was missing out and couldn’t figure out why the Malamute was eating the weird green things.

    It’s funny what they do and don’t like. Would love to see a photo of Charlie vs the peas.

  18. Debra Says:

    My dog goes nuts for peas. He loves snow pea pods and sweet pea pods. They’re probably his favorite treat besides asparagus.

  19. Mark Says:

    Great story! My oldest cat loves fresh baby spinach leaves. Our animal friends are always full of surprises.

  20. Cuidado Says:

    My old dog loved pea pods. When I shelled peas, she ate the empty pods. If the pods were older they were a bit bitter and she would spit them out, making the spitting sound of a small child.

  21. TomT Says:

    Love this story. This site is ALWAYS good for at least one smile, sometimes a chuckle, and maybe even an LOL. You make my day.

  22. rockrat Says:

    I like that he prefers peas over chips. That takes an almost spiritual sense of enlightment.

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