Two Cute

photo taken May 2008 • title thanks to Bob K.

one year ago: Natural Death, Natural Reaction
two years ago: Stick With Me, Kid

I hate to be a broken record but YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!
Such brilliant captions.  This was a tough one to pick.  Love the sweet simplicity of yours, Bob ~ thankyou!
And tied for second place with honors:
Dot & Dash
Little niblet… I mean, nubule!
Au Pair with Bad Hair
The Prince and The Pupper
Short Stack & Tall Boy
One small step for Charlie, one giant leap for Chloe
Field Guide
“Sometimes, kiddo, you just gotta turn your back to the wind and wait it out.  Yep, just like that.”
Chloe, I’m afraid of dandelions
Charlie is perplexed, Chloe is…Chloe
Soul Sister
Lord help the mister that comes between me and my sister …
“Just because the cake had a sign that said ‘Eat Me,’ doesn’t mean you should have Chloe.  Now we have to find the one that switches you back.”
Marshmallow Fluff
Punk, Rock
Buddies on the Yellow Bud Road
In Charlie I Trust

• • • Some days are difficult days. I had one a few days ago… but then I looked at this photo and the difficulty just… evaporated.  Not permanently – but when it returned it was a little bit lighter.  Or I was a little bit lighter.

Can you put words to this?  I believe with my whole self that you can; you guys have been proving that for a year!  I can’t wait to see how you do it.

Leave your title, caption, or thought-bubble-commentary in the comment section of this post and you’ll be in the running to win an 8×10 print of one of my favorite photos (click HERE to see it)!

293 Responses to “Two Cute”

  1. Vicky Says:

    Correcting the typo:

    Someday, little one, you’ll be as big *and* strong as I am; in the meantime, fear nothing, for I shall be your protector.

  2. mlaiuppa Says:

    His little buddy.

  3. mlaiuppa Says:

    You can tell she’s already got him wrapped around her little finger.

  4. Lynne R Says:

    Kit & Kaboodle

  5. mlaiuppa Says:

    Big Pop and Little Poop.

  6. jeanne Says:

    if i follow you home, will you keep me?

    yea, though i walk through the shadow of death…

  7. Rick Says:

    “You will learn the way of the Coyote, Grasshopper.”

  8. Suzanne Says:

    Dot & Dash

    Smooth & Fuzzy

    “Watch me! Watch ME, Charlie! Are you watchin’?”

  9. Jess Says:

    “Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.” -The Lion King

  10. Cathryn Alpert Says:

    “Charlie must use a lot of mousse to get his hair to stand up like that.”

    Little Big.

  11. Jess Says:

    “We should always know that we can do anything.”

    From the song “Go Do” by Jonsi

  12. mlaiuppa Says:

    Introducing the uninitiated to The Snipe Hunt.

  13. mlaiuppa Says:


  14. mlaiuppa Says:

    Brother sunning and sister mooning.

  15. Diane Says:

    Big Footsteps to Fill

  16. lynn Says:

    The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree

  17. Holly Says:

    Just wee two!!

  18. Susan Says:

    Oh how I look up to you…

  19. Debi Says:

    Whoa, check out my “Fro-Bro”!! :)

  20. JANET Says:


  21. Holly Says:

    United we stand, together we grow! ( not sure what that’s from, but it is from somewhere)

  22. Di Says:

    Show me the way, O wise big brother.

    All things great and small, all things wise and beautiful.

  23. Farmer John Says:

    Watch out tough guy,and I have friends bigger than you !

  24. Jo Says:

    So much learning begins with knowing you’ve found the right guide.

    I know that’s too long for a caption, but it does make me smile to realize how true that relationship has played out

    Also, in the words of Calvin and Hobbes came to mind as another fun Caption:
    It’s a magical world, Hobbes ‘ol buddy. Let’s go exploring!

  25. Becky Says:

    Little brother, big aventures.

  26. becky Says:

    oops, duh

    Little Sister, Big adventures

  27. May Says:

    The Apprentice!

  28. D'Ann Says:

    Every Superhero needs their Sidekick

  29. Cathy Says:

    The long and the short of it

  30. Janel Says:

    The Chaperone

  31. Shelley Says:

    Fuzz Butts

  32. Carly Tuma Says:

    Uh, mom? This stuffed animal is moving…

  33. amy walker Says:

    Uncle Eli, can you show me how to make my tail stay down again?

  34. amy walker Says:

    Uncle Charlie,

    Can you show me how to make my tail stay down again?

  35. Cory Burkhead Says:

    No Chloe, the dandelions don’t taste good; stick to elf legs!

  36. treva kensler Says:

    It’s a little sister big brother kind of thing

  37. Laura Says:

    Not the right month, I think, but… In Like a Coyote, Out Like a Puppy?

  38. Cat Says:

    Are YOU supposed to be the easter Bunny?

  39. June Says:

    Did I see a dot on the landscape?

  40. ElizabethZ Says:

    I already made my suggestions but find the thought of Charlie nibbling away on ELF legs just hilarious. The annoying Keebler variety perhaps. (re: Cory Burkhead’s comment) LOL

  41. Melissa Says:

    In case it is not too late, I have no clue why Casablanca inspired me, but anyway:

    Chloe, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

  42. jan atkinson Says:

    Point already!

  43. ZeZe and AtLis Says:

    ZEZE: This is the sweetest pic of a beginning of a wonderful friendship!!

    ATLIS:If I had to choose the cutest pic of a coyote, i would choose this one!!!!!!

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