
photo taken August 2018

one year ago: Golden Eyes
two years ago: Stunner
three years ago: Super Snout
four years ago: Afternoon Snack
five years ago: Open Widest
six years ago: In The Sun
seven years ago: Ears And Eyes
eight years ago: Charlie With Kaleidoscope Eyes
nine years ago: Pro Poser
ten years ago: My Expression Exactly, When I Saw It Was Snowing Again In May (With Close-Up).
eleven years ago: Notes On Charlie – May 14

2 Responses to “Jaws”

  1. Alyxx Says:

    The colors in this are so vivid!!!! (especially of the toys)

    Also, my pup, Bran, does the hoarding thing (three or so toys in his mouth at once) – I thought that was just Charlie!!!!! It is funny as heck.

  2. mlaiuppa Says:

    He so loves his stuffies. He must be the envy of all the coyotes in the neighborhood. I wonder what they do for “toys”; do they keep their favorite bones?

    I am surprised that alligator has lasted as long as it has.

    I think there’s a YouTube of a Coyote in the Los Angeles area that steals dog toys and hoards them.

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